The controversy continues over the intentions of Obamacare and how it could potentially help millions of uninsured Americans. In addition, “it requires that all insurance plans cover preventive services and stops insurance companies from dropping you when you are sick, as well as offering a number of other reforms and protections,” according to the Obamacare Facts page. Some believe that the Affordable Care Act is a “train wreck” while others are singing its praises.
A Fox News Insider poll found that the majority of Americans were opposed to the new bill, however, the USA Today reports that the poll, “finds that 54% of those surveyed oppose President Obama’s health care law — but the law’s supporters quickly point out that 16% opposed it because it doesn’t go far enough”.

A recent FoxNewsInsider poll shows that 54% of Americans are not in favor of ObamaCare. (Photo by Fox News Insider).
ObamaCare Bill passed the Senate on December 24, 2009, by a vote of 60–39 with all Democrats and two Independents voting for, and all Republicans voting against. It passed the House of Representatives on March 21, 2010, by a vote of 219–212, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against the bill.
Among those not in favor of the bill are some Obamacare small business owners. However, on the flip side are those who are in favor for personal reasons, like Chelsea Shinneman who stresses that without it, her chid might not have stood a chance for survival.
Younge America: US elections 2012 index
“Energized by the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, as well as recent polling indicating a favorable swing in public opinion, Democrats are less worried about the fierce, unabated conservative push to repeal the law.” That’s according to Talking Points Memo (TPM).
The debate continues yet the true victory will not be realized by either side for years to come. There are a number of never ending issues surrounding Obamacare according to some experts. Many of those issues are discussed on Fox News.
Published on May 28, 2013 NROVideos,“On Special Report, Charles Krauthammer pointed out President Obama’s “clever” rhetorical gambit in the president’s recent remarks about Obamacare.”