
Help Support and Celebrate Student Athletes Through GSR High School Hype

GSR High School Hype is a unique new show that recognizes Student & Student Athletes who are doing great things both on and off the playing field and within their community. One outstanding benefit of the show is that the over achieving youths will be interviewed on live TV.

GSR’s main goal is to improve the quality of life and learning for children, teens, and young adults. “GSR will encourage not discourage with an act that is best known to all athletes; perception, dedication, and determination.”

GSR’s vision is, “To celebrate the lives of the Teen Athletes; showcasing their TALENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, PASSIONS and their LIFESTYLE as they accelerate in sports and scholastics.”

Individuals, who wish to support GSR High School Hype and encourage America’s student athletes, and help them to make more positive and achievable goals in life, can reinforce their future by sending in donations.

Please visit for more information. Leaving no kid behind is what GSR is all about.


Weight Control and Youth Illness Survey

Poor academics, Child Obesity, and Chronic Illness have been associated with a wide variety of causes. The most popular appear to be the lack of physical activity participation and poor eating habits. Intimate Delights is conducting a short survey that takes less than five minutes, in order to gather more information about possible causes and to help present plausible solutions. Please take the time to complete the following survey. Your responses will be kept confidential.

Youth across the country are in a constant struggle with trying to eat right, keep good grades, and remain active in and out of school. In addition there have been ongoing issues such as chronic illnesses and obesity that continue to interfere with their efforts to conquer the battle and win the war.  If there are one or two main contributors for what could be causing the decline in academics, adding to the rise in obesity or encouraging the lack of physical activity participation, then gathering data from surveys such as this one could shed some light.

The Center’s for Disease Control, (CDC), suggests that children and adults should engage in at least one hour of physical activity everyday. Doing so could put a stop to the increase in youth health issues and activate better choices when it comes to choosing what foods to eat.

The main purpose of bringing awareness to the underlying causes of obesity, etc., is to help prevent deadly health issues from arising in the future and to encourage healthy eating habits so that our youth have a fair chance of exceling to amazing heights academically.

Maryland Youth Sports Encourage Academic and Social Development

Extracurricular sports activities appear to have a positive impact on its participants in more ways then we realize. According to an article written by Donna L. Merkel, entitled, Youth sport: positive and negative impact on young athletes, ”Children are healthy and happy as they engage in this traditional pastime.” The article talks about how sports aid with weight control, however, one ten-year-old youth from Upper Marlboro, Maryland introduces another positive aspect.

Inspiration Comes From an Ageless Heart

Inspiration may blossom if one would simply take a look at the world around them. Ethel Hamilton of Jeannette, PA would agree. Her organization, His Inspired Messages, (HIM), was birthed under similar circumstances.

Hamilton is a wife and a grandmother, yet her desire to enhance the community and empower the youth remains strong.

H.I.M raises scholarship funds through golf outing fundraisers. Its vision supports educational advancement. Valley Green Country Club will host the second annual event.


The Sanctity of Marriage Has Gradually Evolved With the Changing Times

Views on marriage and what it means, has been changing rapidly over the years. Today, there are more voices speaking out for “equality” in marriage then ever before. Even politicians are weighing in, in favor of the topic. Vice President Joe Biden spoke out in support of same sex marriage in 2012.

Marriage was essentially limited to the opposite sexes coming together as one however; controversy over the issue has enraged many who think the definition should include same sex unions. In an article written by James Rush from the Daily Mail in the U.K., “The Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt Rev Nicholas Holtam, suggested it was time to ‘rethink’ attitudes towards allowing same-sex couples to marry, as Christians did with slavery and apartheid.”

Some churches are slowly acknowledging same sex marriages. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Pastor Flora White, Senior Pastor of Victory in Christ Ministries in Greensburg, PA., said, “what The Bishop of Salisbury had to say about same-sex marriage was quite offensive because it has nothing to do with marriage and its original meaning as far as Christian beliefs go. Its like comparing apples to oranges.” White added, “There is far too much compromise concerning filling up church pews these days.”

Pastor Flora White officiates wedding ceremony. (Photo taken by Victory in Christ Ministries)

Pastor Flora White officiates wedding ceremony. (Photo taken by Victory in Christ Ministries)

In 2013, Alison Gobnik wrote an article entitled, “Culture Begets Marriage-Gay or Straight.” The article investigates “how a growing acceptance of same-sex marriage in American culture is indicative of cultural evolution in 2013, discussing how humans rely on cultural development for continued success as well as why it has become culturally acceptable to support gay marriage,” (2013).

There are a large number of American people who still believe in the sanctity of marriage and what it stood for many decades ago. Dick & Diane Baumbach operate a faith based enrichment program called Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME). The Baumbach’s offer a unique approach aimed at revitalizing Christian marriage. “We honor the longest married couples in the U.S., based off of the nominations we receive. The main focus of WWME is to make good marriages, great marriages. Approximately two million couples since 1969 have gone on a weekend retreat, averaging about 10 to 12 thousand per year,” Baumbach said. “Worldwide Marriage Encounter is designed for a man and a woman, however; an organization called Heart 2 Heart Ministries offers similar events that welcomes all,” he added.

Marital record keeping has been taking place since record keeping began. This is a great way to keep track of statistics and trends in marriage and divorce. keeps track of such records and offers a lot more. Dick and Diane Baumbach have been married for 47 years. The couple said their vows in 1966. They believe that love is a decision and not a feeling. In other words, you choose whom to love, circumstances do not.


Gay and Lesbian Acceptance is Making Gradual Progress

Before 1967 it was illegal for males to engage in homosexual behavior. The consequences were oftentimes imprisonment. Once the Sexual Offenses Bill was passed, the game changed for homosexuals in the U.K. The acts of private sex between two men of the age of 21 or older were decriminalized. Public objection for female on female relationships was just as unwelcomed, however, upon the birth of the Minorities Research Group (MRG) in 1963, a glimmer of support and assistance began to emerge. The MRG provided resources and information for these females to meet other females who shared the same sexual interests.

Charles Joughin, Deputy Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in Washington, D.C., said, “Support for LGBT equality in America continues to grow, and our momentum is not slowing down. All across the country fair-minded Americans are speaking out in support of their LGBT friends and neighbors, advocating for a more fair and just society.”

The HRC is a civil rights organization that works to establish equality for gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender Americans. The organization has nationwide support from members and supporters reaching over 1.5 million strong.

On Saturday May 18, 2013, French President Francois Hollande singed a bill that made same-sex marriage legal. France became the 14th country to do so.

The State of LGBT Rights Around the WorldThe State of LGBT Rights Around the World infographic by ahunnel

“Eight out of 10 Americans know someone who is LGBT. In my opinion, we have come as far as we have because it’s virtually impossible to continue to discriminate against us the more you know us,” Joughin added.

In 1924 the Society for Human Rights in Chicago was the United States’ first recognized organization for gay rights. On May 13, 2013, the Minnesota Senate voted to legalize same-sex marriage in this state. The couples will be granted the privilege as early as August 2013. The Gay Rights Movement has come along way. With evolving generations and changing mind-sets, this group may one day soon see total equality across the globe.

Gays and Lesbians Face an Uphill Battle

The King James Bible states in Leviticus chapter 20:13, “ If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Homosexuality has been considered “taboo” by much of society for many years. In past generations, if a person chose to practice this type of lifestyle, he or she would go out of his or her way to keep it under raps or stay “in the closet,” for fear of public humiliation or ridicule. Today, gay and lesbian couples continue to face social issues. The main issue is acceptance or equality.

Many churches still do not recognize same sex marriage or welcome gays and lesbians. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Many churches still do not recognize same sex marriage or welcome gays and lesbians. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Many church leaders are speaking out on what they call the “redefining” of marriage, as we know it. Cardinal Francis George of the African American Clergy Coalition spoke out in early April of this year according to an article published in the Chicago Tribune, siting that if the Biblical definition of how marriage was designed is legally altered it “will not serve the common good of our people and will certainly lose the sense of family that is the basis of our understanding of who we are.”

Xavier Simon is an openly gay General Manager of Econo Lodge in Atlanta, Georgia. He said, “I already struggle with being a black male, but being gay on top of that just adds to my social struggles.” Simon emphasized “Being gay prohibits me from attending a certain Pentecostal church in the Atlanta area because it is not accepted there. The discrimination is a problem because it does not allow me to seek that personal relationship that I desire with my God.”

Several countries including the United States have begun to overturn laws that prohibit same sex marriage. However, procedural barriers continue to interfere with allowing total legal recognition. The American Unity Pac is a Republican group that supports equality for all. They stand by their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters saying “They are deserving of the same rights and responsibilities under the law.”

Same sex marriage is not legal everywhere. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Same sex marriage is not legal everywhere. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Legalizing same sex marriage is only a fraction of the social issues that are encountered by this group. In addition, raising children and being accepted by society will continually strike a moral nerve in many people around the globe.

Little Five Points in Atlanta, Georgia presents an off beat character yet offers a gay-friendly environment. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Little Five Points in Atlanta, Georgia presents an off beat character yet offers a gay-friendly environment. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).

“In March 2013, a guest had to be escorted out of the Atlanta Econo Lodge. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions and leaving accordingly, the irate guest chose instead to cause a scene and call me a ‘faggot’. The ignorance may never end.” Simon said.





Spousal Spying May Not Be an Invasion of Privacy

The U. S., Constitution makes no reference specifically to the right of privacy. Accountability for invasion of privacy is a growing problem especially when it occurs via social media or through electronic devices and within the confines of one’s home. Once a person’s private circumstances or information is made public without his or her permission, they become eligible to take certain legal action against the one who first revealed the previously concealed information, depending on the laws associated with that state.“For a successful lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant’s actions caused his or her privacy to be invaded.”

In a divorce situation each party has a right to do what he or she wants because they share marital property. In the Georgia case of Rutter v. Rutter, 730 S. E 2d 626 (2012), Charles Rutter petitioned the court to dismiss any evidence that was presented against him in his divorce case, that might have been revealed in connection with several video surveillance devices that were secretly installed by his wife in their marital home. He argued that it was a violation of OCGA 16-11-62 (2), which makes it unlawful for a person to conduct video surveillance of another in a private place, out of public view, and without consent.  What Rutter did not realize was that there was an exception to the general prohibition that expressly permits one to conduct video surveillance of persons “within the curtilage of his or her own residence” for certain purposes. As a result, the Georgia court of appeals denied the claim.

Divorce attorney explains variations surrounding invasion of privacy within marriage. (Photo by: Robin Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Divorce attorney Susan Stelter explains variations surrounding invasion of privacy within marriage. April 12, 2013. (Photo by: Robin Hamilton/Full Sail University).

Susan E. Stelter, associate for Thomas C. Rowsey, P.C., Attorneys at Law specializes in divorce cases. She stated, “Invasion of privacy runs the gamut.” In other words, it covers a broad spectrum. Spouses must know the law and should be careful about how they gather information about each other. Stelter warns that “if private information is left in plain view inside or outside of the home or office, then there is no expectation of privacy which means there is no violation. However, the rules change when electronic devices are used to gather the data.”

Not all courts agree on what composes a “reasonable expectation of privacy” in a marital situation.

In 2011, a Nebraska mother embedded a listening device in her daughter’s teddy bear and was found to be in violation of the Federal Wiretap Act. In 2008, an Iowa man was ruled guilty of violating his wife’s privacy when he secretly taped her with an alarm clock camera installed in the bedroom of the home they shared.

In addition, computer software companies sell software that is able to copy e-mails, instant messages, etc. Since these devices have legitimate uses, regulators find it difficult to police their sales, however, in 2008 the Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit against a company that sold undetectable spyware called, RemoteSpy. They were charged with unfair and deceptive practices.

“At least five of the 13 U.S. circuit courts have found that the Federal Wiretap Act does prohibit surveillance within marriages. But at least two have ruled that the law does not prohibit recording your spouse,” Stelter added.