Views on marriage and what it means, has been changing rapidly over the years. Today, there are more voices speaking out for “equality” in marriage then ever before. Even politicians are weighing in, in favor of the topic. Vice President Joe Biden spoke out in support of same sex marriage in 2012.
Marriage was essentially limited to the opposite sexes coming together as one however; controversy over the issue has enraged many who think the definition should include same sex unions. In an article written by James Rush from the Daily Mail in the U.K., “The Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt Rev Nicholas Holtam, suggested it was time to ‘rethink’ attitudes towards allowing same-sex couples to marry, as Christians did with slavery and apartheid.”

Some churches are slowly acknowledging same sex marriages. (Photo by: Robin L. Hamilton/Full Sail University).
Pastor Flora White, Senior Pastor of Victory in Christ Ministries in Greensburg, PA., said, “what The Bishop of Salisbury had to say about same-sex marriage was quite offensive because it has nothing to do with marriage and its original meaning as far as Christian beliefs go. Its like comparing apples to oranges.” White added, “There is far too much compromise concerning filling up church pews these days.”
In 2013, Alison Gobnik wrote an article entitled, “Culture Begets Marriage-Gay or Straight.” The article investigates “how a growing acceptance of same-sex marriage in American culture is indicative of cultural evolution in 2013, discussing how humans rely on cultural development for continued success as well as why it has become culturally acceptable to support gay marriage,” (2013).
There are a large number of American people who still believe in the sanctity of marriage and what it stood for many decades ago. Dick & Diane Baumbach operate a faith based enrichment program called Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME). The Baumbach’s offer a unique approach aimed at revitalizing Christian marriage. “We honor the longest married couples in the U.S., based off of the nominations we receive. The main focus of WWME is to make good marriages, great marriages. Approximately two million couples since 1969 have gone on a weekend retreat, averaging about 10 to 12 thousand per year,” Baumbach said. “Worldwide Marriage Encounter is designed for a man and a woman, however; an organization called Heart 2 Heart Ministries offers similar events that welcomes all,” he added.
Marital record keeping has been taking place since record keeping began. This is a great way to keep track of statistics and trends in marriage and divorce. keeps track of such records and offers a lot more. Dick and Diane Baumbach have been married for 47 years. The couple said their vows in 1966. They believe that love is a decision and not a feeling. In other words, you choose whom to love, circumstances do not.
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